

  • Hints/Suggestions for Beginning to Speak Latin

    by John Byron Kuhner (2009)

    A bullet list of general vocabulary and simple advice to help the beginning Latin speaker.

    (Download the document as a PDF)

  • Baby Steps Toward the Inclusion Of Spoken Latin In the Classroom

    by Dawn Mitchell and Justin Slocum Bailey (2012)

    You don’t have to move suddenly to a Latin-only classroom! Consider incorporating these practices one at a time.

  • Why Speak Latin?

    by Nancy Llewellyn

    Our modern language colleagues know that mastery comes when the student has internalized the language. They understand that internalizing happens through communication; through experiences that intimately, directly, and frequently involve the hearing and speaking faculties. Internalizing requires quick, immediate exchanges; communication that promotes thinking in the target language, without recourse to English. This principle is equally valid in Latin instruction,…

    (Download the document as a PDF)

  • The Persistent Perks of Speaking Latin (published in Eidolon, January 23, 2017)

    by Justin Slocum Bailey

    Between a bes and a dodrans of my time goes to learning and helping others learn and teach Latin. Our main goals are to be able to read Latin texts; to interact with the products, practices, and perspectives of Latin-using people; and to reap some of the cognitive benefits of knowing multiple languages. I have found that speaking Latin plays a natural and effective part in all these pursuits. I’m far from the first to report this, even in the last decade, but the recognized perks are piling up so high that their explorations should, too.

    If you share any of the goals I listed, speaking Latin is a pretty normal thing to do, and not as scary or as hard to start as you might think. It could even make your life easier....

  • Latin is Not Different (presented at the SALVI board summit, July 17-20, 2011)

    by Robert Patrick

    Before I share anything with you this morning, I’d like to place two points of departure before you that are extremely important to me. They inform almost everything else that I have to share with you.

    Important Idea # 1: Latin teachers are not normal.
    Important Idea #2: Latin is not different.

    The very fact that we are having this discussion in this place with this company of people gathered here indicates to me that we are at a new time in the business of teaching Latin. What I hope to do in this talk is weave together both my understanding of some vital research in second language acquisition as well as my understanding of certain dynamics that are at play in Latin classrooms, Latin programs, school systems, and the colleges and universities that most of us find ourselves working in....

  • Teaching Latin to Humans: How to Honor both the Language and the Learner (published in Eidolon, January 4, 2016)

    by Justin Slocum Bailey

    ...What snagged the eye, especially of teachers with dwindling programs, was that pretty much all of my students — not just a few smart kids — could understand Latin well, and many could write and speak it. These were otherwise normal high schoolers in a program I had been hired to create, a Latin 1–4 sequence with a 98% retention rate. But this is a mere jot in the story of hundreds of teachers who are coming to know and make known the Latin language in a way that has students flocking and colleagues gawking, or at least sneaking peeks through the window. Having had a front row seat and a pertinent background, I’ll save you the neck-craning and just tell you why what they do works....


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