NOTE: Biduum Noveboracense 2017 has concluded.
We’ve been unable to find a suitable venue for Biduum Noveboracense. If you know of a viable venue somewhere along the Hudson, let us know!
SALVI (Septentrionale Americanum Latinitatis Vivae Institutum, or North American Institute for Living Latin Studies) proudly presents Biduum Noveboracense, a full-immersion Latin weekend workshop. A restorative three-day event at the Grail House in Cornwall-on-Hudson, Biduum allows participants to experience a sort of winter-themed mini-Rusticatio: a communal atmosphere with twenty-two other Latin speakers, cooking and cleaning together, reading and conversation by the fire, walks in the Grail House’s 47-acre estate, and a slate of classroom and other activities.
Features of Biduum:
- supportive, intimidation-free environment
- communicating entirely in Latin
- high-energy conversation exercises
- learning and relaxing in Latin
- experiencing, as a student, active teaching methods
- games for a variety of learning styles
- techniques that will streamline your teaching
- readings from Latin literature presented in Latin
- pedagogical discussions
- e x c e l l e n t food (all participants will help with cooking and cleaning)
- a feeling of camaraderie in the beautiful setting that is the Grail House
The event serves two groups simultaneously: It offers a mid-year “fix” of immersion Latin for experienced Latin speakers. And it gives the curious a weekend—not a full week—of immersion Latin. You can get a taste during the Biduum, and then come back for more in the summer at Rusticatio! (Curious to hear what people think of SALVI programs? Take a look at reviews for Rusticatio.)
Program Dates: January 13-15, 2017 (the weekend of MLK day). (Arrival: Friday, January 13, between 3 and 6 p.m.; Departure: Sunday, January 15, between noon and 3 p.m.)
Eligibility: You are eligible to attend this workshop if have graduated high school, are at least 18 years of age, and have already learned Latin on paper and are interested in developing active command of the spoken language. Please note that Biduum is not an introductory Latin course and thus it is not for people who have no knowledge of the language. Typically, participants have completed, at a minimum, the equivalent of two years of traditional college Latin or four years of a high school Latin program. It is not necessary to have previous experience speaking Latin.
Location: We reside and conduct our workshop sessions in the historic Grail House in Cornwall-on-Hudson and its 47-acre property adjacent to Storm King mountain. Built in the 1880s by the Stillman family, the Grail House sleeps 23 and still maintains many of its period details, including multiple fireplaces, wood-paneled rooms, and a large dining room.
Cost: $300 per person, all-inclusive, covering two nights in the old mansion, five meals, tuition, and instructional materials. Transportation to and from the Grail House is not included (though SALVI will help arrange carpooling). Once admitted as a participant, you may pay for Biduum Noveboracense through PayPal using the “Buy Now” button below or by sending a check payable to SALVI to:
Edie Barry
SALVI Treasurer
3445 Hicks Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472
For registration, please visit the Biduum Noveboracense event page here.
Biduum Noveboracense Instructors: tba